Panel Sessions & Presentations

Get ready to learn and be inspired by our inspiring speakers from the supply chain and logistics world. Both days will see experts, innovators and boundary-breaking pioneers present on Sustainable Local Procurement, Health Supply Chain Capacity Strengthening and ‘Last Mile’ Transportation/Delivery.

We look forward to hearing from Regional, National and International voices from INGOs, NGOs, Universities and Organizations.

Each panelist will share their experiences and engage in highly interactive workshops to gain an understanding into the challenges faced by logistics and supply chain colleagues in varying contexts.

2022 Topics

  1. Sustainable Local Procurement: focusing on barriers to selling into the public health and aid sectors, working to strengthen policy around local manufacturing, quality assurance challenges, environmental issues and support to local suppliers
  2. Health Supply Chain Capacity Development: highlighting how the current public health and aid systems can better support health service logistics and workforce capacity development in conflict zones, fragile states and developing economies, with a focus on critical delivery mechanisms such as mass vaccination
  3. Last Mile Delivery: showcasing the latest product innovations in transport technology but also ways to address the challenges in accessing remote communities due to poor infrastructure, outdated transport policies and a lack of resources.
  4. Crosscutting Issues: environmental sustainability and benefits of identifying collaborations which have emerged from recent supply chain experiences and how crises have heightened the need to focus on the localisation agenda.

Panelists will present on progress and challenges to Sustainable Local Procurement, Health & Humanitarian Supply Chain Capacity, and Last Mile Delivery. Presentations will be followed by three breakout workshops - one on each topic.

Day 1: Africa/Middle East

Panels Sessions

Progress and Challenges to Sustainable Local Procurement

Claire Barnhoorn, Founder and CEO, Solvoz and Solvoz Foundation

Health and Supply Chain Capacity Development

Scott Dubin, Advisor - Supply Chain Private Sector Engagement, Global Health Fund

Last Mile Delivery

Dr Rudi Pauwels, Founder & President, Praesens Foundation


Workshop 1: Sustainable Local Procurement

Facilitator: Andrew Lamb, Chair, Internet of Production

Workshop 2: Health Supply Chain Capacity Development (Online access)

Facilitator: Silvia Rossi, Supply Chain Officer, WFP

Strong supply chains form the backbone of well-functioning health systems and are critical to providing frontline health workers with the medicines, health commodities and equipment they need to deliver health care services. With the support of donors such as Takeda Pharmaceutical Limited Company, the United Nations World Food Programme works in collaboration with other UN agencies, NGOs and Ministries of Health to help strengthen health supply chains by sharing tools, methodologies and best practices, leveraging its nearly six decades of experience in delivering food assistance in complex and remote environments. This workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to share and discuss case studies and learnings from partnerships and projects in the sphere of health supply chain capacity strengthening. The discussion will focus on uncovering the needs and success factors of capacity strengthening work, in order to shed light on current and future opportunities to build and promote efficient, effective and resilient supply chains.

Workshop 3: Last Mile Delivery

Facilitator: Judi Heichelheim, Senior Vice President and IDIQ Director for the GHSC-PSM Project, Chemonics

Day 2: Asia

Panels Sessions

Progress and Challenges to Sustainable Local Procurement

Kuldeep Bandhu Aryal, Social Innovation Fellow, Field Ready

Health and Supply Chain Capacity Development

Judi Heichelheim, Senior Vice President and IDIQ Director for the GHSC-PSM Project, Chemonics

Last Mile Delivery

Andrew Parkes, Global Supply Chain Director, Relief International


Workshop 1: Sustainable Local Procurement

Facilitator: Nirpa Dhami, Regional Supply Chain Advisor (Asia), World Vision International

Workshop 2: Health Supply Chain Capacity Development (Online access)

Facilitator: Emad Nasher, Managing Director, Field Ready Turkiye

Workshop 3: Last Mile Delivery

Facilitator: Marin Tomas, Senior Advisor for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, International Medical Corps


Event Notes

Share your excitement for HHL and our 2022 Speakers

Tweet us at #HHL2022 or #HHLConf

Important Dates

  • November 9, 2022: Deadline for Video and Poster Proposal Submissions
  • November 16-17, 2022: Conference

Conference Sponsor

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Previous Conferences

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009

About the Conference Series

The Health and Humanitarian Conference series is organized each year by the Center for Health and Humanitarian Systems (CHHS) at Georgia Tech in partnership with INSEAD, MIT, and Northeastern University, with generous support from corporate and other organizational sponsors.

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  • humlogconf (@)
  • 755 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332