
2022 Conference Theme

Strengthening Local Crisis Preparedness and Response Planning Through Effective Logistics Networks

This year’s conference will bring together supply chain management leaders, front-line practitioners and healthcare professionals from governments, NGOs, the UN, private sector, academia to discuss current and future issues, strategies and good practices related to the annual theme and priority topics. Presentations, workshops, and discussion groups provide a platform for showcasing product and process innovations that will shape future healthcare and humanitarian aid delivery. An annual cycle of thought leadership events will follow throughout the year.

Conference Subthemes/Topics

  • Sustainable Local Procurement: focusing on barriers to selling into the public health and aid sectors, working to strengthen policy around local manufacturing, quality assurance challenges, environmental issues and support to local suppliers.
  • Health Supply Chain Capacity Development: highlighting how the current public health and aid systems can better support health service logistics and workforce capacity development in conflict zones, fragile states and developing economies, with a focus on critical delivery mechanisms such as mass vaccination.
  • Last Mile Delivery: showcasing the latest product innovations in transport technology but also ways to address the challenges in accessing remote communities due to poor infrastructure, outdated transport policies and a lack of resources.
  • Crosscutting Issues: environmental sustainability and benefits of identifying collaborations which have emerged from recent supply chain experiences and how crises have heightened the need to focus on the localization agenda.


Event Notes

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Tweet us at #HHL2022 or #HHLConf

Important Dates

  • November 9, 2022: Deadline for Video and Poster Proposal Submissions
  • November 16-17, 2022: Conference

Conference Sponsor

Conference Sponsors

Conference Organizers and Partners

Previous Conferences

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009

About the Conference Series

The Health and Humanitarian Conference series is organized each year by the Center for Health and Humanitarian Systems (CHHS) at Georgia Tech in partnership with INSEAD, MIT, and Northeastern University, with generous support from corporate and other organizational sponsors.

Stay Connected on:


  • humlogconf (@)
  • 755 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332